Sunday, March 17, 2019

Captain Ron 8th, Tyler Nals 7th

Great run Ron.

After losing to James Berry's Aces with sixes, Captain Ron on the short stack shoved 135k.

Judge called on button and Duane called from SB.

Flop 6d 8s Qd check, check 9d.

Judge Bets and Duane folds.  Judge has the nuts with AdJd and Captain Ron drawing dead.  River 7.

Tyler Nals shove UTG +2.  Trace calls from next door.  Gerald calls.

KJ10 check, check.

K on turn check, Trace bets 200k.  Gerald calls.

River 2.  Trace bets 250k.  Gerald calls.

Tyler A10, Gerald AJ, and Trace flopped the nuts with AQ.

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